This tuber with smooth, red-brown skin, shallow eyes and white flesh, out-produces most commercial fresh market russets as far as the percentage of #1 uniform potatoes. It is excellent for baking, frying or boiling and keeps well. It is scab-resistant and provides dependable yields. This is another great variety from Dr. Robert Johansen, talented breeder of the wonderful Anoka. It is a good choice for a gardener with limited space. Similar to Russet Burbank.
It's a Boy - Forget-Me-Not (Myosotis oblongata) A delicate woodland flower, the symbol of true love, meaning 'remember me forever'. When in bloom, forget-me-nots bear clusters of flowers that unfurl as the buds open. They will bloom the first year. To promote flowering, pinch off the spent flowers. Includes: seed, reusable recycled US steel tin, directions. Tin 2" diam.